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Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School : A Cognitive and Cultural Approach


Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School : A Cognitive and Cultural Approach

  • ISBN 13:


  • ISBN 10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 07/08/2010
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc

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Teaching Scienceáin Elementary and Middle School: A Cognitive and Cultural Approach 2e is an introductory science curriculum and methods textbook for elementary and middle schools teachers. The primary purpose of the book is to provide an introduction to the teaching of science with an emphasis on guiding the teacher toward: conceptual understanding of core standards-based science content from the four major scientific disciplinesapplication of scientific methods and processes of inquiry to the learning of these science conceptsdevelopment of scientific language that is both expressive and constitutive in the formation of scientific reasoningthe ability to guide learners through numerous core scientific experiments that help to illuminate items 1-3evaluation of social and cultural factors that shape and influence both science and science educationanalysis of the local context in which science must be understood (as well as the global context)synthesis of science as interrelated with other aspects of the world and how this idea can be taught to students through integrated and thematic instruction. The approach throughout is clear and practical, and is designed to foster reflective teaching rooted in research and theory. Teaching Science ináElementary and Middle School: A Cognitive and Cultural Approach 2e is a synthesis of current knowledge in science education, cognition and culture. The authors rely upon both classical and contemporary theories of learning as cognitive and as sociocultural processes. By connecting and integrating core standards-based science concepts, pedagogical practices grounded in evolving research from the learning sciences, and a socio-historical analysis of the development, strengths and limitations of science in society, the authors have written a text that fosters the development of teachers who feel prepared to engage their students in rich science learning experiences.

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