Phlebotomy Handbook Plus NEW MyLab Health Professions with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

Phlebotomy Handbook Plus NEW MyLab Health Professions with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package
- ISBN 13:
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- Edition: 9th
- Format: Package
- Copyright: 08/06/2015
- Publisher: Pearson
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The complete phlebotomy guide that's ideal for both the classroom and in-practice pre-analytic reference -- now updated with new safety procedures, equipment, standards, CLSI standards, and NAACLS competencies.
Phlebotomy Handbook, Ninth Edition Plus NEW MyHealthProfessionsLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package links health care students and providers to the latest information, procedures, skills, standards, and equipment for safe, effective blood collection. Its contents have been selected and organized to improve diagnostic and therapeutic laboratory testing through better pre-exam blood collection knowledge, and by teaching skills that lead to better patient outcomes. Starting simple, it builds to increasingly complex competencies, covering all the crucial communication, clinical, technical, and safety skills that health care practitioners need. This edition fully reflects the latest guidelines from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), with references to international standards as appropriate. It also reflects an even stronger focus on patient and healthcare provider safety. Also included: access to Pearson's state-of-the-art MyHealthProfessionsLab, and a complete eText version of the book.
Teaching and Learning Experience
This book will help health professionals and students quickly master today's best standards are practices in blood and specimen collection:
- Updated standards, procedure, techniques, and safety precautions throughout: Thoroughly reflects the latest CLSI and NAACLS standards, and the latest research, techniques, and innovations in phlebotomy and specimen collection.
- Deep focus on safety for both the patient and the healthcare provider: Contains multiple features designed to promote safer blood and specimen collection
- Comprehensive pedagogical features, including many full-color photos and features: Promotes more rapid and intuitive learning for students with a wide spectrum of backgrounds and knowledge