Molecular Biology of Cancer Mechanisms, Targets, and Therapeutics

Molecular Biology of Cancer Mechanisms, Targets, and Therapeutics
- ISBN 13:
- ISBN 10:
- Edition: 5th
- Format: Paperback
- Copyright: 08/23/2021
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Using the hallmarks of cancer as a starting point, the book looks at the cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning the transformation of cells into cancer cells. After discussing the theory, each chapter then demonstrates how this knowledge can be directly applied to the development of new targeted therapies, giving the reader a clear appreciation of how our understanding of the theory can be translated into new approaches for tackling the disease.
The new edition draws on the latest research in cancer biology, highlighting fundamental concepts and re-emphasising pre-existing concepts. The book features a variety of learning features--'Pause and think', 'How do we know that?', self-tests and activities--to help students engage with, and master, the concepts presented. The emphasis is on acquiring a solid understanding of the essentials and an appreciation of how a theoretical understanding can be transformed into therapeutic benefit.
Molecular Biology of Cancer is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources.
The online resources include:
For students:
- Multiple choice questions
- Web links to additional cancer biology resources
For registered adopters of the book:
· Figures from the book, available to download