Mapa dibujado por un espía / Map Drawn by A Spy

Mapa dibujado por un espía / Map Drawn by A Spy
- ISBN 13:
- ISBN 10:
- Format: Paperback
- Copyright: 12/07/2021
- Publisher: Debolsillo
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Las memorias más políticas de Guillermo Cabrera Infante, crónica de su desencanto ante la Revolución y su decisión de exiliarse definitivamente
Libro de memorias casi secreto e inédito a la muerte del autor, Mapa dibujado por un espía narra los apuros que vivió Guillermo Cabrera Infante en el verano de 1965, cuando regresó a Cuba desde Bélgica para asistir al entierro de su madre. Fue el momento de abrir los ojos a la vertiente totalitaria de la Revolución, cuyas autoridades le negaron la visa de salida, obligándolo a permanecer cuatro meses en la isla hasta encontrar una nueva vía de escape a Europa. La crónica de ese tiempo muerto refleja un mundo espectral y desmoronado, así como el desconcierto de quien no consigue despertar de las pesadillas de la Historia.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante’s most political memoirs, a chronicle of his disillusion with the Cuban Revolution and his decision to permanently go into exile. Found in an envelope in his house after his death in 2005, Mapa dibujado por un espía / Map Drawn by a Spy is the world-renowned writer's autobiographical account of the last four months he spent in his country.
An almost secret and unpublished memoir up to his death, Mapa dibujado por un espía / Map Drawn by A Spy narrates the struggles that Guillermo Cabrera Infante went through in the summer of 1965, when he returned to Cuba from Belgium for his mother’s funeral. It was time to open his eyes to the totalitarian side of the Revolution, whose authorities denied him an exit visa, forcing him to stay on the island for four months until he was able to find an escape route back to Europe. This account of those dead months reflects a fractured society, a ghostly and crumbling world, as well as the bewilderment of those who cannot wake up from the nightmares of History.
Libro de memorias casi secreto e inédito a la muerte del autor, Mapa dibujado por un espía narra los apuros que vivió Guillermo Cabrera Infante en el verano de 1965, cuando regresó a Cuba desde Bélgica para asistir al entierro de su madre. Fue el momento de abrir los ojos a la vertiente totalitaria de la Revolución, cuyas autoridades le negaron la visa de salida, obligándolo a permanecer cuatro meses en la isla hasta encontrar una nueva vía de escape a Europa. La crónica de ese tiempo muerto refleja un mundo espectral y desmoronado, así como el desconcierto de quien no consigue despertar de las pesadillas de la Historia.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante’s most political memoirs, a chronicle of his disillusion with the Cuban Revolution and his decision to permanently go into exile. Found in an envelope in his house after his death in 2005, Mapa dibujado por un espía / Map Drawn by a Spy is the world-renowned writer's autobiographical account of the last four months he spent in his country.
An almost secret and unpublished memoir up to his death, Mapa dibujado por un espía / Map Drawn by A Spy narrates the struggles that Guillermo Cabrera Infante went through in the summer of 1965, when he returned to Cuba from Belgium for his mother’s funeral. It was time to open his eyes to the totalitarian side of the Revolution, whose authorities denied him an exit visa, forcing him to stay on the island for four months until he was able to find an escape route back to Europe. This account of those dead months reflects a fractured society, a ghostly and crumbling world, as well as the bewilderment of those who cannot wake up from the nightmares of History.