La noche viene sin ti / The Night Falls without You
La noche viene sin ti / The Night Falls without You
- ISBN 13:
- ISBN 10:
- Format: Paperback
- Copyright: 06/21/2022
- Publisher: Alfaguara
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En La noche viene sin ti Julio Prado pone al servicio de la literatura su testimonio, mientras intenta rescatar la humanidad de los niños y niñas que fueron vendidos y que ahora, ya adultos, en algún momento se preguntarán quiénes son, quiénes fueron sus padres y por qué terminaron en adopción.
Gonzalo Ríos es un joven fiscal que acaba de ser trasladado a la Unidad de la niñez y adolescencia. Recibe hileras de expedientes con testimonios espeluznantes que debe priorizar y resolver en medio de una maraña burocrática que no responde a la necesidad de la víctima. Por si fuera poco, lo designan para investigar casos de adopciones ilegales y deberá enfrentarse, a contracorriente, a redes perfectamente estructuradas y en connivencia con el sistema judicial al más alto nivel. La reciente paternidad del fiscal enciende una fuerte empatía con las víctimas y un deseo de resguardar su vida privada pero, lejos de protegerla, se desmoronará ante la imposibilidad de vivir dos realidades tan dispares.
In The Night Falls without You, Julio Prado puts his testimony at the service of literature while trying to salvage the humanity of children who were sold, that as adults will one day wonder who they are, who their parents were, and why were they put up for adoption.
Gonzalo Ríos is a young prosecutor recently transferred to the Childhood and Adolescence Unit. He is given piles of records with horrifying testimonies he must prioritize and resolve in the middle of a bureaucratic tangle that doesn’t respond to the victim’s needs. As if this weren’t enough, Ríos is assigned to investigate illegal adoptions, and will have to fight perfectly structured networks colluded with the highest spheres in the judicial system. His recent paternity ignites a strong empathy for the victims and the desire to safeguard his private life. But far from protecting it, it will crumble before the impossibility to live in two opposing realities.
Gonzalo Ríos es un joven fiscal que acaba de ser trasladado a la Unidad de la niñez y adolescencia. Recibe hileras de expedientes con testimonios espeluznantes que debe priorizar y resolver en medio de una maraña burocrática que no responde a la necesidad de la víctima. Por si fuera poco, lo designan para investigar casos de adopciones ilegales y deberá enfrentarse, a contracorriente, a redes perfectamente estructuradas y en connivencia con el sistema judicial al más alto nivel. La reciente paternidad del fiscal enciende una fuerte empatía con las víctimas y un deseo de resguardar su vida privada pero, lejos de protegerla, se desmoronará ante la imposibilidad de vivir dos realidades tan dispares.
In The Night Falls without You, Julio Prado puts his testimony at the service of literature while trying to salvage the humanity of children who were sold, that as adults will one day wonder who they are, who their parents were, and why were they put up for adoption.
Gonzalo Ríos is a young prosecutor recently transferred to the Childhood and Adolescence Unit. He is given piles of records with horrifying testimonies he must prioritize and resolve in the middle of a bureaucratic tangle that doesn’t respond to the victim’s needs. As if this weren’t enough, Ríos is assigned to investigate illegal adoptions, and will have to fight perfectly structured networks colluded with the highest spheres in the judicial system. His recent paternity ignites a strong empathy for the victims and the desire to safeguard his private life. But far from protecting it, it will crumble before the impossibility to live in two opposing realities.