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Special Education Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals


Special Education Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals

  • ISBN 13:


  • ISBN 10:


  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 07/24/2018
  • Publisher: Pearson
  • Newer Edition
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Real teachers, real families and students, and real classrooms bring the field of Special Education to life.

Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School ProfessionalsFifth Edition, provides a multi-dimensional view of the field of special education. The most current information and research available provides structure and predictability for novices to the field of special education in today’s educational world. Because special education is made up of real children and real professionals, the author helps to put a “face” on the field to enliven and authenticate the information. Each chapter features stories of individuals with disabilities from the parents of children with disabilities and from professionals who work in the field. Readers of this truly exceptional text will come away with the best understanding of the expectations for educators and students, and learn how critical concepts translate into educational practices.


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0134995708 / 9780134995700 Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals plus MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 5/e Package consists of:   

  • 0134488288 / 9780134488288 MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals
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