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Philosophy Here and Now Powerful Ideas in Everyday Life


Philosophy Here and Now Powerful Ideas in Everyday Life

  • ISBN 13:


  • ISBN 10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 09/15/2015
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
  • Newer Edition
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Philosophy Here and Now: Powerful Ideas in Everyday Life, Second Edition, is a hybrid text/reader that helps students understand, appreciate, and even do philosophy. The book emphasizes philosophical writing, reinforced with step-by-step coaching in how to write argumentative essays and supported by multiple opportunities to hone critical thinking. It shows students how philosophy applies to their own lives and brings the subject to life with engaging chapter-ending literary selections, abundant illustrations, and a wealth of pedagogical features.


* A comprehensive introductory chapter lays the groundwork for philosophical thinking

* Six types of text boxes--"Philosophy Now," "Philosophers at Work," "Philosophy Lab," "What Do You Believe," "Writing to Understand: Critiquing Philosophical Views," and "Writing to Understand: Arguing Your Own Views" demonstrate the value and relevance of philosophy

* Additional pedagogical elements make the material even more engaging and accessible. These include marginal critical-thinking questions, marginal quotes, a timeline, key terms (boldfaced at their first appearance and listed and defined at the end of each chapter), marginal definitions, and a glossary.

* Charts, tables, and color photos keep students visually engaged

* Fictional or narrative selections--followed by "Probing Questions"--at the end of each chapter explore and dramatize the philosophical issues discussed

* A "How to Write a Philosophy Paper" appendix offers concise, step-by-step guidance in crafting an effective philosophical essay

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