Essentials of Pathophysiology; Concepts of Altered Health States
Essentials of Pathophysiology; Concepts of Altered Health States
- ISBN 13:
- ISBN 10:
- Edition: 3rd
- Format: Paperback
- Copyright: 10/15/2010
- Publisher: LWW
- Newer Edition
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Porth Pathophysiology: understanding made easy, delivered however you need it.
Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology, Third Edition delivers exceptional student understanding and comprehension of pathophysiology. An expanded, robust and flexible suite of supplements makes it easy for you to select the best course resources, so you can meet your students' changing needs.
For both discrete and hybrid courses, the flexibility and power of Porth allows you to customize the amount of pathophysiology that you need for effective teaching and learning. This book gives you a good introduction to pathophysiology without being very technical. Even if you are not a medical professional, you will still grasp the concepts because the author gives simple but adequate definition of the disease and its underlying causes.
"Designed to present students with essential concepts of disease processes and altered health states, this third edition text is ideal for both discrete and integrated pathophysiology courses. The third edition continues to build on the extremely successful art program and the 'Understanding' feature and has an even more robust electronic support ancillary program to make both faculty and student learning easier and more successful"-Provided by publisher.