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Educational Psychology: Developing Learners


Educational Psychology: Developing Learners

  • ISBN 13:


  • ISBN 10:


  • Edition: 6th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 01/01/2011
  • Publisher: Pearson College Div
  • Newer Edition
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This leading text for introductory educational psychology courses, Jeanne Ormrods Educational Psychology: Developing Learners is known for its exceptionally clear and engaging writing, its in-depth focus on learning, and its extensive concrete applications. Its unique approach helps students understand concepts by encouraging them to examine their own learning and then showing them how to apply these concepts as teachers. The book concentrates on core ideas and gives students an in-depth understanding of the central ideas of educational psychology and helps students truly see and better understand the children and adolescents they will one day teach. More than any other educational psychology text, this text moves seamlessly between theory and applications, features the most extensive and integrated coverage of diversity, and includes innumerable concrete examples video cases, written cases, student artifacts, and more to help students connect educational psychology to children and classrooms. Some new features of the Sixth Edition include: an even more accessible text with simplified, more focused presentation of the core principles; margin notes that highlight the core concepts and their applications to teaching; an integrated text and media package with every new copy of the text that prepares students for their own classroom, accompanied by the Understanding Research and Practicing Teaching Skills Lab Manual on DVD; an access code to Merrills Teacher Preparation Website ( www.prenhall.com/teacherprep ); and access to the newly enhanced text-specific website ( www.prenhall.com/ormrod ) which provides a Study Plan, a collection of Pretest and Posttest assessments supported by study material, homework and exercises for students to apply chapter content and practice teaching skills. Its six chapters on learning, wealth of practical applications, and innovative learning package makes this the best text for maximum student comprehension and preparing tomorrows teachers.

Table of Contents

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